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[Read more] The meals that mothers eat within 30 days after giving birth are called menstrual meals. The monthly meals should be phased to meet the different needs of postpartum mothers in different stages. The recommended low-calorie nutritious recipes are delicious and weight control.

Small Moon Meal

After an abortion, it is necessary to recuperate for a period of time, that is, during the small moon period, and it is necessary to supplement reasonable nutrition at this time, and it is possible to regulate the body through a reasonable diet. 30 grams, 15 grams of gravy and 30 grams of yam. The first thing to do is to wash the lotus seeds and barley, soak them in water for two hours, then wash the yam and pig liver, cut them into slices, put all the ingredients into a pot, boil them over high heat, then simmer them slowly over low heat for 15 minutes, add the proper seasoning, and you can take them.

Effectiveness: Pig liver porridge can strengthen the spleen and stomach, tonify the kidneys, promote maternal metabolism, help the excretion function, improve sleep quality, and also effectively prevent wound inflammation.

2. Sugar red dates

Prepare 50 grams of red dates, 100 grams of peanuts, and 50 grams of brown sugar. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.


Sugar red dates can replenish blood and nourish it, regulate weaknesses and other conditions, and are good to take if you have anemia or low blood pressure during the small months.

Monthly Meal 30 Day Recipes

Sitting on the moon is a particularly important stage for women, and if they are not careful when they are sitting on the moon, they can fall ill later. The company’s main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to meet the needs of its customers.

1. The first stage (the first week of the month)

Mothers who have just given birth to a baby are in a weak state, and have no appetite for food, and because it is the first week after childbirth, the mother is still in the phase of rowing body class dirt. At this moment, the monthly meal should be mainly for sewage, get rid of evil to supplement, use food for them to regulate the stomach and intestines. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

2. The second stage (second week of the month)

This is a period of bone building, so you should start eating animal-based foods slowly to speed up the supply of nutrients that your mother needs. It is also important to pay attention to consuming fresh fruits and vegetables for assistance. This is also the time when mothers are more concerned about the amount of breast milk, and this time they need to eat food to achieve sufficient milk. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

3. The third stage (the third and fourth weeks of the month)

This is the time when the month is basically at its end and the mother’s body has recovered to some extent. The most important thing at this stage is to benefit the qi and replenish the blood, and help mothers regain their strength through food as soon as possible. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items in the marketplace.

What is the best brand of menstrual meal

The menstrual meal is the meal eaten by the mother during the menstrual period, China has the habit of sitting on the menstrual period since the Han Dynasty, but many habits inherited from the ancestors for thousands of years are not correct, such as: sitting on the menstrual period should be wrapped tightly, after the birth of a child every meal should be big fish and meat. In modern times, the concept of scientific and reasonable diet for menstruation began to be popular, and the concept of menstrual meals is transmitted from Taiwan. So, in the end, which brands of menstrual meals get the majority of mothers praise? According to statistics, the top ten most popular menstrual meals are mainly the following:

One is Gan’s ancient brown sugar. The sugar cane used in the Ganser Ancient Formula brown sugar is sunny fresh cane from the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau at an altitude of over 1100, cut at the winter solstice each year, the sweetest of the year and the most yang stage. The production process follows the ancient method inherited from the Tang Dynasty, using the traditional “straight wind gun stove” and “chain pot”, and is carefully boiled through 18 processes to retain all the nutrients of sugar cane to the greatest extent, without adding sulfur, phosphoric acid, lime, etc., and without adding

The second is the biochemical soup of the monthly meal of Zi Yue Tang.

Three is Ziyue Tang Run Chang tea. It is used to nourish Yin and moisten constipation for postpartum constipation.

Fourth is Ziyuetang black sesame oil.

This is the first time I’ve seen the black sesame oil, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. It prevents constipation, promotes the recovery of the female reproductive system, is an antioxidant and anti-aging, and is the first choice for a mild hot tonic after childbirth.

Fifthly, it’s a good idea to stop the moon water.

The first of these is the first of its kind.

Sixth is the Ziyue Tang moon meal compound Eucommia waist tea. It is also a good way to prevent back pain.

VII is Ziyuetang moon water. Rich in protein and amino acids, it promotes tissue healing and breast milk synthesis; rich in enzymes, it improves the excitability of nerve and muscle tissue and prevents postpartum depression; while retaining the action of rice wine to move Qi and blood, it promotes blood circulation and prevents postpartum obesity.

Eight is Ziyuetang Yoyan tea postpartum beauty care. Postnatal beauty and skin care, lighten the scar healing effect.

Nine is Ziyueitang sit-monthly meal litchi tea. The two work well together.

Ten is the thirst-quenching tea for menstrual meals. The company’s main goal is to provide a good solution to the problem.

How to Eat the Moon Meal

Nowadays, many postpartum mothers pay close attention to postpartum health care work, which is often referred to as sitting on the moon. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the latest version of the book. One of the most important aspects of the month is the reasonable match of the menstrual meal. After the birth of the mother’s body is very weak, you need to supplement the body nutrition through the diet of the monthly meal to restore vitality as soon as possible. So, how to eat the monthly meal? Let’s find out.

Many people blindly believe that the moon is to be a good tonic, but a tonic is not beneficial to the body of the mother.

The first week after giving birth, the mother is mainly to discharge the abdominal dew, waste water, waste and waste as the purpose, this stage of the monthly meals with should be as light as possible, refuse greasy. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

The second week after delivery, the body of the postpartum mother is mainly to contract the uterus and contract the pelvic cavity. The company’s main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Three weeks and four weeks after the birth, the postpartum mothers are basically clean, this is a good time to tonic and promote breast milk, the moon meal can be more with some nourishing soup, on the one hand, can give the postpartum mothers tonic, on the other hand, the soup also has the effect of promoting milk, at this time the baby’s appetite began to be larger, the mother’s milk to keep up with the baby’s needs.

How to choose a monthly meal

Taiwanese entertainer Xiao S still maintains a beautiful figure after giving birth to three children, not the slightest sign of being a mother of three children, media interviews are unanimous in affirming that Taiwan’s monthly meal is indispensable. Subsequently, the concept of Taiwan’s menstrual meal is gradually accepted by most mothers in the mainland, that the menstrual meal for postpartum recovery has a very important role to play. In recent years, the development of the moon meal in mainland China is also very prosperous, the moon center moon meal, online purchase moon meal, delivery moon meal and other various moon meal products continue to bombard postpartum mothers, the face of a variety of moon meal options, postpartum mothers should how to choose it?

In fact, to put it simply, the monthly meal is the diet of the postpartum mother during the month, through the scientific and reasonable combination of the monthly meal, the postpartum mother can fully replenish nutrition and restore the body. The purpose of the monthly meal is to determine how to match the individual recovery situation and personal physical condition of the mother and the family’s financial ability, in order to restore the physical condition of the mother as soon as possible.

The moonlight meal should be as light as possible, with a wide variety of food, as diverse as possible, and should be accompanied by highly nutritious soups, and appropriate tonic according to seasonal and regional characteristics. The company’s products and services are available in a wide range of sizes and sizes.

Postpartum mothers in the choice of moon meal products, as far as possible, according to the specific circumstances of their families, more information about the moon meal recipes, the best to the regular moon meal business company to buy moon meal. If the family has time and energy to take care of the postpartum mother, it is best to do their own moon meal at home, after all, China’s food safety problems are still alarming, eat moon meal at home to eat with confidence.

Is it necessary to have a monthly meal

With the improvement of people’s standard of living and education, postpartum mothers now attach great importance to postpartum health care. On the other hand, the media is now more developed, as more and more familiar after 80 female celebrities step into the family to become a mother, a variety of celebrity moon meal publicity constantly bombarded the eyes of young mothers, a variety of moon meal concept deeply rooted in people. The business also seized this rare business opportunity to develop a variety of moon meal products, moon center moon meal, delivery moon meal, online purchase moon meal and other names make people dazzled, then, moon meal is really necessary?

In fact, the monthly meal refers to the meal for the postpartum mother during the month. The company’s main goal is to restore the body of the mother as soon as possible through diet. The monthly regimen is a good opportunity to change a woman’s physique, using the right dietary supplements and proper rest, can help restore the prenatal body condition, so that the deformed internal organs to restore elasticity and improve the physique. If the diet of the monthly meal is not reasonable, not only does it not work to restore the body of the woman, but it may even give the woman’s body to fall sick and cause inconvenience to her future life.

Therefore, the scientific rationality and matching of menstrual meals is of great importance for postpartum mothers to sit well on the moon. The market is full of moon meal products, the need for postpartum mothers must do their homework, according to their own situation to choose the right moon meal products, of course, if conditions allow, the family elderly have the ability and time to help maternity care, it is best to choose to sit at home moon meal, convenient, not to mention the production method and the safety and hygiene of ingredients is the most important.
